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EVOO*4 "Iero symvolo"
(sacred symbol)
  Olive oil with a health claim Health claim*3 (biofunctional food*1)
*2Single Estate

Food Elixir
Extra virgin olive oil is a key component of the Mediterranean diet. It is rich in antioxidants. You can use EVOO "iero symvolo" mainly raw, in bread, pasta, cooking, as well as in all salads, creating excellent and unique flavors.
Achieving the ultimate triplet:


EVOO 'iero symvolo' has a medium to strongly spicy taste. You may feel a burning sensation mainly in the pharynx and a pleasantly bitter taste at the base of the tongue (BITTER IS BETTER), due to the high content of phenols (mainly oleocanthal and oleasin).
Which, as has been proven by clinical studies and through the Health Claim *3, seems to contribute catalytically and in an absolutely natural way to the following:
• Regulation of cholesterol,
• Regulation of hypertension,
• Strengthening the immune system,
• Protection from cardiovascular diseases,
• Optimizing blood sugar regulation (Type II diabetes),
• Protection of the nervous system (indications for the prevention-arrest of Alzheimer's & Parkinson's diseases),
• Prevention and treatment of inflammations (anti-inflammatory action similar to IBUPROFEN),
• Protection of the mucous membrane of the digestive system,
• Treatment of allergies (strong antihistamine effect), ... etc

EVOO iero symvolo as a Cosmetic.....A Unique Beauty Elixir!


As a body oil
Apply EVOO iero symvolo all over the body after showering for soft and supple skin, for deep and natural hydration. Let's not forget... Athletes in ancient Greece would anoint their bodies with EVOO before matches to warm up and strengthen their muscles, while applying it to the body was widespread, both for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes.

Cleansing the face and strengthening the eyelashes
Use a few drops of iero symvolo EVOO on a cotton pad, to clean your face effectively. You will be delighted at how it deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Protecting it from premature aging, while smoothing fine lines and wrinkles. At the same time, it nourishes the eyelashes.
Avoid use if you have acne.

For dry skin

Apply iero symvolo EVOO and let it work. The vitamins and antioxidants will soften the "hard" spots and restore moisture to the specific spots.

After the sun

EVOO iero symvolo is also suitable for the dehydration seen on the skin, and for the burns that can be caused by exposure to the sun. Its moisturizing and antiseptic properties can soothe and relieve pain, prevent scars, and rejuvenate damaged areas.


Olive branch

Sun protection
EVOO iero symvolo can act as a shield against the sun's harmful rays. Scientific studies have shown that applying EVOO iero symvolo to the skin immediately after exposure to the sun's UVA rays can prevent or limit the harmful effects of this dangerous radiation.

  For soft, shiny, silky hair

Apply EVOO iero symvolo by lightly massaging the scalp, for at least ten minutes before washing.
It provides nourishment, hydration, and a silky texture.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil has been known for its protective effect on health since ancient times.
Having recognized its benefits very early on, Homer called it "liquid gold", and Hippocrates "great healer".
More than 60 medicinal uses of it are mentioned in the Hippocratic Code.
Dioskouridis in "On the Matter of Medicine"
  Dioskouridis (De Materia Medica ch. KTH' "About oil shoulder rubs")

It was no coincidence that in the ancient Olympic games the prize was a simple wreath of wild olive (a world symbol of peace and freedom) with which the winners were crowned.
It had a symbolic meaning, as it was believed to bring luck and divine protection to the crowned athlete.


• The product does not replace any medication.
• All of the above does not replace the instructions


*1 Functional food:
They are foods that, in addition to their natural nutritional value, contain ingredients, usually of natural origin, which benefit the body and its specific functions, reducing at the same time the possibility of chronic diseases by acting preventively, but also therapeutically in some of them.

*2Single Estate: International term, that describes a product that comes from a single producer, and a variety from one location, such as EVOO 'iero symvolo'.
  It is the definition of complete traceability and guarantee for the quality of a single olive oil.

    Health claim
*3 According to the European Food Safety Authority, which in 2012 recognized the positive effect of polyphenols on oxidative stress, officially, through the Health Claim included in European regulation 432 / 2012. There it is stated explicitly that "The polyphenols of olive oil contribute to the protection of blood lipids from oxidative stress". A basic condition in the Health Claim of the European regulation 432 /2012 is the daily intake of 20 grams of olive oil which contains at least 5 mg of hydroxytyrosol and its derivatives (e.g. oleuropein and tyrosol)
Also, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recognizes that consuming two tablespoons (20 - 25 grams) of olive oil daily can help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. This is due to the monounsaturated fats in olive oil and at the same time suggests replacing saturated fats

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